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Big Kids (Adults 50+)

It is for all Adults, 50 and up, to gather for a great time of Christian fellowship, delicious potluck lunch, and sharing concerns for one another and family & friends.   Programs of interest to all include what Stafford County offers its citizens, history of the area, ancestry, members sharing special experiences & vacation trips, sing-a-longs, etc.  Watch the website for updates call the church office at 540-659-2642 or email  We invite everyone to come out and join us - you do not have to be a member of the church to attend.

Joyful Stitches

We meet every Tuesday in the Youth Center from 9:30 am to 11:30 am in Rooms 1 and 2. Do you enjoy knitting and crocheting?  If so, join our Prayer Shawl Ministry here at Regester Chapel.  Our ministry was formed over 10 years ago by several ladies who wanted to reach out to others in the church and community in a caring and loving way and share Christ's love with persons in need.  The prayer shawls we make are given to church members, friends, family members, and anyone who has a special need.  Prayers for the recipients are uplifted as the shawls are being created and receive a final blessing from the Pastor.   We make baby blankets for new babies in our congregation and in the Children’s Center.  This is a great time for fellowship as well as a time to be creative.  Our sessions are always closed with prayer and devotion. If you have any questions please call the church office at 540-659-2642. 


Our mission is to meet all men wherever they are in their spiritual walk and to offer them support, fellowship, and study and service opportunities. Our goal is to bring godly purpose, balance, and encouragement into the daily lives of men as we seek to honor God and help one another. We are all journeymen – helping each other and honing our skills as we become disciples of Jesus Christ.


We are about relationships, not activities. But shared activities help us grow together. Our “battle rhythm” of activities includes:


  • Men’s breakfast, every other Friday at a local restaurant


Other activities, announced by e-mail and in the bulletin, include:


  • Men’s conferences and workshops

  • Bible study, manhood, and life skill classes

  • Daily prayer for the Pastor's devotional 

  • outreach and Disciplemaking for other men


For more information contact Bob Waugh or Don Shirk through the church office at (540) 659-2642.

United Women in Faith

Formerly known as United Methodist Women, we meet every second Saturday from 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM at the church, typically in the Youth Center. Hybrid meetings, both online and in-person, can be arranged if needed. You do not need to be a church member to participate. We encourage contributions of your finances, time, and talents, but there are no minimum requirements.

Each meeting includes a program presented by one of our members or an outside speaker, followed by a business meeting. Throughout the year, we organize at least one fundraiser and several hands-on projects. Our donations support various organizations, primarily in the Fredericksburg area and Virginia.

The combined efforts of UWF units in the US and around the world contribute millions of dollars to programs supporting women, children, and youth in over 100 countries.

United Women in Faith aims to connect and nurture women through Christian spiritual formation, leadership development, creative fellowship, and education, enabling them to inspire, influence, and impact both local and global communities.

Regester Chapel is blessed with an active UWF unit, and we would love for you to join us. For any questions, please contact Kim King.

"I love you, and there is nothing you can do about it!"

- Pastor Lyle Morton

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